How to Merge Two Google Business Listings

1. Log into your Google account that has access to both of the listings. 2. Go to and click “Manage location”. 3. Select the business listing you want to keep from the list on the left side of the screen, then select “Info” from the menu bar at the top of your screen.

4. Scroll down until you see a link for “Is this info incorrect?” and click it, then select “Merge duplicate locations” from dropdown menu that appears when you hover over it with your mouse pointer..
5. Enter in information about both businesses such as name, address, phone number etc., so Google can find them in its system and make sure they are actually duplicates before merging them together..

6 .Click “Submit Request” when done entering all required information and wait for an email notification confirming merge request was processed successfully by Google representatives..

  • Log in to your Google My Business account and select the listings you wish to merge
  • Click on ‘Merge’ and select ‘Yes, Merge these two locations’ in the pop-up window that appears
  • Select which listing you want to keep as primary and click ‘Continue’
  • Review the details of both listings before merging them into one single listing, ensuring accuracy of all information including name, address, phone number etc
  • Confirm any changes made if necessary by clicking on ‘Confirm Changes’ or cancel the process if needed by clicking on ‘Cancel Merge Request’; then click ‘Complete Merge’ when finished with editing/reviewing changes made between both listings
  • You will be notified once the two business listings have been successfully merged together

How to merge duplicate Google My Business Locations and Reviews

Google My Business

Google My Business is a free tool offered by Google that allows businesses and organizations to manage their online presence across Google’s products including Search and Maps. With Google My Business, you can create a profile for your business that includes basic information such as hours of operation, contact details, photos and more. You can also add posts about upcoming events or promotions directly to your profile so customers know what’s going on at your business.

Google My Business Duplicate Listing

Duplicate listings on Google My Business can be a major issue because they create confusion for customers who are trying to find your business online. Listing the same address and phone number in multiple places can lead to conflicting information, which can hurt your reputation and make it harder for customers to reach you. To help avoid this problem, businesses should regularly monitor their listings on Google My Business to ensure there is only one listing per location.

How to Merge Two Locations on Google Maps

Merging two locations on Google Maps is a simple process that only requires a few steps. First, open the Google Maps app and search for both of the locations you want to merge. Once they appear on the map, tap and hold each one until you see an option to Merge Locations.

Confirm this action by tapping ‘Yes’, and your locations will be combined in one place!

Google My Business Login

Google My Business Login allows business owners to quickly and easily access their Google My Business account dashboard. This dashboard enables users to update, manage, and optimize their online presence across popular search engines like Google Search and Maps. Additionally, businesses can use the login feature to respond to customer reviews, post updates about their services or products, view analytics data related to their listings on Google Search & Maps results pages, edit business information such as hours of operation or contact details, add photos of the business location or products being offered for sale – all from one easy-to-use system.

Google My Business Contact Form

Google My Business is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with customers and manage their online presence. With the Contact Form feature, businesses can easily add a contact form to their Google My Business listing, allowing customers to easily reach out and ask questions or leave feedback. This not only allows businesses to quickly respond to customer inquiries but also helps them stay connected with their audience in an efficient manner.

Google Business Profile Manager

Google Business Profile Manager is a powerful tool used to manage your business’s presence across Google platforms. It offers an easy way to edit and update business information, respond to customer reviews on Google Maps and Search, monitor analytics, create custom posts for customers to engage with and more. With the help of this feature, businesses can maintain accurate brand visibility online while simplifying their online marketing efforts.

Is It Illegal to Claim a Business on Google

No, it is not illegal to claim a business on Google. In fact, claiming your business is an important step in setting up and managing your online presence. Doing so allows you to create a profile for your company that includes information such as opening hours, contact details, descriptions of services or products offered and more.

It also gives you access to various tools like Google My Business which help you manage how customers find and interact with your business online.

Google My Business Support

Google My Business offers support to its users in a variety of ways. Through the platform, you can access helpful articles, contact customer service representatives via phone or email, and receive assistance from Google’s dedicated team of experts. Additionally, there are several online communities available where users can interact with other business owners in order to get advice and troubleshoot any issues they may be facing.

With all these resources at your disposal, you don’t have to worry about being left stranded when it comes to managing your online presence with Google My Business.

How to Merge Two Google Business Listings


How Do I Merge Two Business Listings on Google?

If you own two businesses, or have multiple listings for the same business on Google, it’s important to merge them together in order to maintain a consistent presence online. Merging your listings not only helps improve visibility and accuracy but also ensures that all of your reviews are collected in one place. In this blog post, we’ll go over how to easily merge two business listings on Google in just a few simple steps.

First, log into your Google account and open the “My Business” page from the left sidebar menu. Click “Manage locations” which will direct you to a list of any current businesses associated with that account. Select both of the locations you wish to merge by checking off their respective boxes at the bottom right corner and clicking “Actions > Merge Locations” located at the top right corner of your screen.

You should then be prompted with an option to confirm merging these two locations together as well as selecting which location’s information will remain after they’re merged (for example: hours, website URL etc.). Once everything is filled out correctly click “Merge Locations” once more before exiting out of this window — Congratulations! Your businesses are now successfully merged together under one listing on Google!

How Do I Merge Two Google Pages?

Merging two Google pages together is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few simple steps. To start, first you will need to access both of the pages you wish to merge on your Google account. Once opened, select the “Settings” menu option located on one of the pages and then click “Merge Pages” from the dropdown list.

You will then be asked to specify which page you would like to keep and which page should be deleted during the merging process. After selecting these details, hit “Merge Pages” again and confirm all changes before clicking submit – this will complete your merger! Of course, if there are any errors or problems along the way it is important to contact customer support for help with solving them quickly and easily so that your merger can be done without issue.

Why Do I Have Two Google Listings?

Having two Google listings can be a confusing and frustrating experience. On the one hand, it’s great to have multiple online presences for your business – especially when they are both on such an important platform as Google. On the other hand, having two separate listings can also lead to confusion among customers and search engines alike.

So why do some businesses end up with two Google listings? The most likely reason is that you or someone else has created a new listing for your business without deleting the old one first. This happens more often than you might think – either due to human error or because of outdated processes in larger organisations.

It could also be possible that your original listing was marked as spam by accident, leading to its removal from public view until it was manually reviewed again by a member of Google’s team. Another possibility is that you have updated information on one of your existing profiles but not on the other (for example if you changed address but forgot to update it in both places). This could lead potential customers searching for your services being sent off-course and becoming confused about which listing is correct – something which needs to be avoided!

Ultimately, whatever the cause may be, it’s important that businesses take steps towards correcting this issue so their customers are able to find them easily online.

Can I Have Two Google Business Listings?

Having two Google business listings is a tricky question. There are certain circumstances where having two listings can be beneficial, but it’s important to understand the potential downsides before diving in. On one hand, if you’re running multiple businesses or have multiple locations for one business, then having separate listings could make sense as it allows customers to find exactly what they need without having to search through a long list of results.

However, creating multiple listings can also create confusion and send mixed signals to potential customers. It could lead them to believe that there are multiple owners of the same business when that may not actually be the case. Additionally, maintaining separate pages for each listing requires more effort on your part and could potentially dilute your online presence if not done correctly.

Ultimately it comes down to understanding how these different approaches might impact your overall SEO strategy and customer engagement goals before deciding which route is best for you.


By following the instructions outlined in this article, you should now have a better understanding of how to merge two Google Business Listings. This can be a beneficial process for businesses looking to consolidate their listings and ensure accuracy across all platforms. Merging your business listing is an important step towards ensuring that prospective customers can easily find and contact your business online.

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