How to List Own Business on Resume Sample

To list your own business on a resume, start by creating an “Experience” section and including the following information: name of the business, dates you owned it, location of the business, description of services provided or products sold. Include any awards or recognition received for your work with the business. Also consider adding a sentence about financial performance such as profits earned or increased sales volume achieved during your tenure.

Finally add details about tasks completed while running the business such as managing employees and accounting responsibilities to make sure that potential employers have all of relevant information necessary to evaluate your experience.

  • Begin by creating a section titled “Professional Experience” on the resume, typically located near the top
  • Under this heading, list your business as you would any other employer on your resume; include its name and location, and then provide a brief description of what services or products it provides
  • List yourself as the owner of the business in this section using whatever title is most appropriate for your role (Owner/Founder, CEO, etc
  • Include additional details about the company under this heading such as when it was established and whether it is still operating or not and if so why did you decide to close it down? Also mention any awards received or noteworthy accomplishments achieved during ownership of the business (if applicable)
  • Indicate what roles you held within that organization along with specific duties associated with them; if possible, use numbers to quantify results whenever possible (e
  • , increased sales by X percent annually)
  • This will help potential employers understand how successful you were in leading that particular venture!


Business Owner Description Example

As a business owner, it is important to have strong organization and communication skills. You must be able to manage your time effectively in order to stay on top of tasks and deadlines, as well as keep up with customer demands. Additionally, you need to be willing to take risks in order to maximize potential profits while minimizing costs.

The ability to delegate tasks and responsibilities is also essential when running a successful business.

Small Business Owner Resume Summary

As a small business owner, your resume summary should emphasize the skills and experience that make you an ideal candidate for the job. Your summary should include key details such as leadership qualities, problem-solving abilities, and financial management expertise. Additionally, highlight any successes from your own businesses to demonstrate how you can apply those same skills in a new role.

A well-crafted resume summary is essential for standing out among other applicants and communicating why you are the best fit for the position.

Should I Put Business Owner on Resume

As a business owner, adding this information to your resume can be beneficial as it demonstrates valuable transferable skills such as leadership, organizational abilities, problem solving and financial management that are often sought after by employers. Additionally, being a business owner shows initiative and ambition which can help set you apart from other candidates. However, if the experience is not relevant to the job you’re applying for or doesn’t align with the company’s values then it might be best to leave this information off your resume.

Transition from Business Owner to Employee Resume

When transitioning from a business owner to an employee, it is important to update your resume so that it reflects the skills and experience you have gained as a business owner. Make sure to highlight any managerial or leadership roles you have taken on during your time as an entrepreneur. Additionally, include details about the products and services you offered and the successes of your venture.

Quantify these successes when possible with financial figures, customer feedback, etc. Lastly, focus on transferable soft skills such as problem-solving ability, communication proficiency and organizational savvy that will make you attractive to potential employers.

Small Business Owner Resume Description

A small business owner resume should highlight the skills and qualifications that make you uniquely suited for success in running a business. This includes excellent communication, financial management, project planning, leadership, customer service and marketing abilities. Be sure to show evidence of your successes in the past – such as increased profits or improved customer satisfaction.

Demonstrate your enthusiasm for growing a successful enterprise by displaying examples of how you have already achieved results in similar roles or projects.

How to List Own Business on Resume Sample


How Do You Say You Own a Business on a Resume?

If you own your own business, it is important to make sure that you include this fact on your resume. This demonstrates both ownership and self-motivation in the workplace, which can be beneficial for employers and show them that you are capable of taking initiative. To properly showcase this information on a resume, first list the name of the business under “Work Experience” or “Professional Experience” as if it were any other job role.

Then identify yourself as either an Owner or Sole Proprietor depending on your title within the company. It is also helpful to include a brief description of what services or products your business offers so potential employers have a better understanding of its purpose and scope. Finally, provide details about how long you owned the business along with significant accomplishments such as awards or recognition from industry peers that demonstrate success in running one’s own enterprise.

By providing these details on a resume, potential employers will gain insight into your skillset and experience level which can help set you apart from other candidates when applying for jobs.

What is the Job Description of a Business Owner for Resume?

If you are a business owner, your resume should reflect the expansive and diverse range of responsibilities that come with the job. A successful business owner must be able to manage people, handle finances, create strategy, market their product or service as well as provide exceptional customer service. As a business owner, you will be required to develop and implement plans for growth and expansion while managing budgets and expenses.

Your duties could include recruiting staff members; setting sales goals; planning advertising campaigns; creating marketing materials such as brochures, websites and promotional items; making decisions regarding inventory control systems; designing operational policies and procedures; negotiating contracts with vendors or suppliers; developing relationships with customers in order to promote loyalty and repeat purchases or services; overseeing financial aspects such as accounting entries into various books of accounts including general ledgers, cash flow statements etc.; obtaining necessary permits or licenses needed for operations of the company related activities. You may also have responsibility for tracking progress on projects against established metrics in order to ensure timely completion within budgeted parameters.


By following the guidelines outlined in this blog post, you can create a comprehensive and impressive resume listing for your own business that will help you stand out among other job applicants. This includes ensuring that you include all of the relevant details about your business, such as its name, mission statement, location, services offered and any awards or accolades. Additionally, you should use language that is clear and concise to make sure potential employers get an accurate picture of your experience with running a successful enterprise.

With these tips in mind, you’re ready to create an outstanding resume listing for your own business!

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