How to Change Address Citations Bright Local

To change your address citations on Bright Local, you first need to log into your account. Once logged in, select the “Locations” tab at the top of the page and then click on “Edit Citations” for the listing that you wish to edit. On this page, you will be able to update all information related to your address citation including street address, city/state/zip code, phone number and website URL.

After making any changes necessary, simply click “Save & Update” and Bright Local will begin updating all of your listings with these changes within 24 hours. You can also use their Bulk Edit tool found under “Tools” if you need to make changes across multiple locations quickly.

  • Log into your Bright Local Account and navigate to the ‘Citation Tracking’ tab: In order to change address citations, you must first log into your Bright Local account and click on the ‘Citation Tracking’ tab located in the left-hand navigation menu
  • Select a Listing from Your Current Citations Report: Once you have reached the Citation Tracking page, select a listing from your current citation report that needs to be changed
  • Click Edit then Update Address & Other Details: After selecting a listing, click on the edit button next to it and then select “Update Address & Other Details” from the dropdown menu that appears
  • Enter Your New Business Information into Each Field Provided: Now enter all of your new business information (name, address, phone number etc
  • ) into each field provided and make sure that it is accurate before clicking save at the bottom of this page
  • Review All Changes Made Before You Submit Them : Lastly review all changes made within this page before submitting them by clicking save at the bottom of this page as any incorrect information could potentially harm your local search rankings with Google or other major search engines

BrightLocal Citations – "Citation Builder" Tutorial & Review

Citations for Service Area Business

Citations for Service Area Businesses are an important part of local SEO. Citations are online mentions of your business, such as a name, address and phone number (NAP) on directories like Yelp or Google My Business. They help search engines find and verify that your business is legitimate which can lead to improved visibility in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

It’s also important to make sure all citations have consistent NAP information across each directory; otherwise it could negatively impact your rankings.

How to Change Address Citations Bright Local


What are Citations in Brightlocal?

Citations are mentions of your business name, address and phone number (NAP) that appear on other websites. BrightLocal provides businesses with a range of citation services, such as: • Monitoring for new citations

• Finding potential new citations • Claiming existing listings and ensuring NAP consistency across the web

How Do I Add a Location to Brightlocal?

Adding a location to BrightLocal is easy and straightforward. Here are the steps to follow: • Log in to your BrightLocal account

• Under Manage Locations, click on Add Location • Enter the business name, address and telephone number of the new location you wish to add • Select any other relevant information such as website URL or opening hours for each day of the week

How Do I Find Local Citations?

Finding local citations for a business is essential for establishing an online presence. Here are some tips to help you find them: • Research and compile a list of the most relevant directories and websites in your industry or area.

• Create accounts on popular sites like Yelp, Yellow Pages, and Google My Business and include all necessary information such as address, phone number, website URL etc. • Reach out to local blogs or media outlets that might be interested in featuring your business. • Ask happy customers to leave reviews on platforms where they can share their experiences with other potential customers.

What is a Live Local Citation?

A live local citation is an online reference to a business that includes its name, address, and phone number (NAP). These citations are important for search engine optimization because they provide another source of accurate information about the business. They also help build trust with potential customers by providing third-party validation of your company’s legitimacy.

Benefits of Live Local Citations: • Improves visibility in local searches • Increases credibility among potential customers

• Helps improve ranking on Google Maps


Overall, changing an address citation on Bright Local is a simple process and can be done in a few steps. With the right tools, you can easily update your citations to keep them accurate and up-to-date. By following these tips and keeping your business information updated across all platforms, you are sure to maximize visibility for your business online.

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