How to Merge Google My Business Listings

Merging Google My Business listings is relatively simple. First, make sure you have access to both accounts. Then log into your primary account and select the “Manage Locations” option from the menu bar.

Select the location you’d like to merge with another listing and click on “Suggest an edit” at the bottom of the page. A form will appear; fill in all required information including a request to link or merge with another existing listing, then submit it for review. Once approved by Google, you’ll receive a notification that your request has been accepted and that two locations have been merged into one single business profile on Google My Business.

  • Login to your Google My Business Account: Log in to the Google account associated with the business listings you want to merge
  • Select Listings for Merge: Visit the ‘Listings’ tab and check the box next to each listing that you would like to merge into one single account
  • Choose Primary Listing: After checking all of the boxes, select which listing will be kept as a primary listing by clicking on “Set As Primary”
  • This is important since this will become identity of your business on Google My Business platform after merging other duplicate accounts into it
  • 4
  • Confirm Merging Request: Click on “Merge” button located at top right corner of page & confirm when prompted in order to initiate process of merging selected multiple accounts into one single account/listing
  • 5 Monitor Progress: Monitor progress and status of request within same page after submitting it successfully, where further details related with merging can also be verified & updated if required

How to merge duplicate Google My Business Locations and Reviews

Google Business

Google Business is a suite of tools offered by Google that allow businesses to leverage their data and manage their online presence. It provides tools such as AdWords, Analytics, Maps and My Business which can be used to market products and services, track customer activity, create virtual tours of physical locations, embed maps on websites and more. With the help of these tools businesses can increase visibility in local search results and better engage with customers online.

Google My Business Login

Google My Business Login is a powerful tool that helps businesses gain visibility on Google search and maps. With the help of this platform, businesses can easily create and manage their business profile across Google’s various services, such as Search, Maps, and more. Once logged in to this platform, businesses can customize their profiles with details such as contact information, hours of operation, photos and videos of products or services they offer.

They also have the ability to respond to customer reviews quickly and efficiently.

Google My Business Account

A Google My Business Account is an essential tool for businesses to gain online visibility, build customer trust and increase their reach. It allows businesses to create a profile on the world’s most popular search engine that appears when customers search for relevant keywords. This profile contains important information about your business such as contact details, location, opening hours and services offered.

Additionally, it provides you with tools to optimize your website content in order to appear higher up in organic search results. With a Google My Business Account, companies can easily manage their presence on Google Maps and make sure they are visible across all of their devices including desktop computers and mobile phones.

How to Merge Two Locations on Google Maps

Merging two locations on Google Maps is a great way to ensure accuracy in your search results. To merge two locations together, simply click the ‘Edit’ button under the map, select the two markers you want to merge, then click ‘Merge’. Once merged, you can adjust each marker’s name and address if needed.

This ensures that all searches for either location will include both addresses and provide accurate results.

Google My Business Contact Form

Google My Business Contact Form is an online form that allows businesses to provide customers with a direct channel for customer service and support. With this feature, businesses can collect messages from customers through a variety of channels such as email, text message, or social media platforms. This feature also helps business owners track communication with their customers and respond quickly to inquiries.

This contact form is available free of charge to all Google My Business users, making it an invaluable tool in providing excellent customer service experience.

Google My Business Moving Locations

Google My Business recently announced that they are moving their headquarters to Mountain View, California. Known as the “birthplace” of Google, this new location will allow them access to an array of resources and amenities that will help support their rapidly growing team. The move is also a reflection of Google’s commitment to continuing its innovation in digital marketing and local search technology, with Mountain View being home to some of the world’s leading research centers in artificial intelligence, robotics and machine learning.

Google My Business Duplicate Listing

Google My Business Duplicate Listings are two or more listings on Google Maps that have the same name, address, phone number and website. This can happen when a business creates multiple accounts for the same location or when someone else adds an incorrect listing of your business on Google. It is important to identify and remove any duplicate listings as they could interfere with your visibility in local search results and confuse customers about which information is accurate.

Google My Business Support

Google My Business provides businesses with an effective way to manage their online presence. With this platform, businesses can create and update a listing on Google Search and Maps, respond to customer reviews, upload photos and videos, post updates, monitor insights into how customers find them online and more. For any questions or issues related to setting up or using the platform, users can access Google’s comprehensive support center as well as its helpful community forum for additional help from other users.

How to Merge Google My Business Listings


Is It Possible to Merge Two Google My Business Listings?

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to merge two Google My Business listings is yes, however the process can be complex. The most important factor when attempting to merge listings is that both accounts must belong to the same owner and address. If this criteria isn’t met then merging will not be possible.

In order for a successful merger, you’ll need to create an additional Google My Business account with your own login credentials which will become the “master” account for all of your business information. Then you must submit a request through Google’s help center in order for them to review your request and determine if merging is an option. Afterward, they may ask you provide proof that ownership of both businesses are under one name before approving or denying your request.

Once approved, it’s up to you how much detail from each listing you’d like transferred over into the master listing as well as what changes should be made during the transition period – such as updating business hours or contact information across all platforms (e-mail/website/social media). Merging two separate GMB accounts can seem daunting but following these steps can make sure everything goes smoothly and save time in terms of trying manage multiple accounts at once!

How Do I Remove Duplicates from My Google Business Listing?

If you manage multiple Google business listings, it’s important to keep them organized and up-to-date. Unfortunately, sometimes when creating or editing your listing information, duplicate entries may appear. To ensure that your customers are seeing the correct information on their search results page, it’s important to know how to remove duplicates from your Google business listing.

The good news is that this process is relatively straightforward and can be done in a few easy steps: First, log into your Google My Business account and select the location you want to edit. You’ll then see a list of all the info associated with that location—including any potential duplicates.

Next, click on each duplicate entry one by one and delete them until only one remains for each piece of information (e.g., address). If there are any other changes you’d like to make while logged in (e.g., updating hours), do so now as well before saving your changes!

Why Do I Have Two Google Business Profiles?

Having two Google business profiles is a great way to build your online presence, as they provide different opportunities for customers to find and interact with you. With two separate profiles, you can reach more people on multiple platforms and create a stronger brand identity. For example, if you have an account on both Google My Business (GMB) and Google Ads (formerly AdWords), then potential customers in search results will see your GMB profile when searching for businesses like yours near their location.

Additionally, when someone searches for specific keywords related to your business through the ads platform, they are more likely to encounter one of your advertisements rather than having it lost amid all the other competitors out there. By having both accounts set up properly with accurate information that reflects the quality of services or products that you offer, potential customers are much more likely to choose what you’re offering over others.

Why is My Business Showing Up Twice on Google?

One of the biggest challenges that businesses face is when they show up twice on Google. It can be confusing for customers to see multiple listings, and it can even lead to a poor user experience if customers cannot decide which listing is the correct one. The most common cause of this problem is duplicate content, in which there are multiple versions of the same page or website showing up in search engine results pages (SERPs).

This can happen due to accidental duplication created by webmasters or developers, as well as malicious attempts at gaming SERPs by competitors. In addition, websites may inadvertently end up with duplicate URLs due to changes in their CMS or coding errors during migration from one platform to another. To avoid this issue it’s important that businesses check all URLs and ensure they do not contain any duplicates before launching any new sites or making significant changes.

Additionally, using canonical tags and 301 redirects will help inform search engines about what version of a URL should be used so users don’t get confused when searching your business online.


This blog post has provided a comprehensive guide to merging Google My Business listings. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily and effectively merge multiple business listings on Google My Business into one listing, allowing your customers to find accurate information about your business quickly and conveniently. In conclusion, mastering the process of merging Google My Business listings is an essential skill for any business that wants to stay competitive online.

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